IHC和ADQ在Eltizam Asset Management签署了1.116亿迪拉姆的战略合作协议 | International Holding Company

IHC和ADQ在Eltizam Asset Management签署了1.116亿迪拉姆的战略合作协议

IHC和ADQ在Eltizam Asset Management签署了1.116亿迪拉姆的战略合作协议
Abu Dhabi-based strategic investment company International Holding Company PJSC (IHC) has entered into a strategic partnership with ADQ, one of the region’s largest holding companies with a broad portfolio of major enterprises spanning key sectors of Abu Dhabi’s diversified economy, for a 50% stake in its subsidiary Eltizam Asset Management Group “Eltizam” through a new shares issuance and a total cash contribution of AED 111.6m.